Moqtada Al-Sadr acknowledges Iranian regime meddling in Iraq

NCRI – In an exclusive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Moqtada Al-Sadr gave his view about the current political and sectarian situation in Iraq and acknowledged that “Iran is interfering in Iraq’s domestic affairs.”
Sadr was asked “Is it true that Iran is interfering in Iraq’s domestic affairs?”

He said: “Of course. In fact, Iran does not try to conceal this. Everybody is trying to support their own country, and it is known that controlling Iraq supports Iran and its politics.”

He described the current situation in Iraq as “a dangerous one, although the country is not at the peak of danger.”

“Iraq is a hostage to terrorism, extremism, and violence. We are ruled by car bombs, killing, and bloodshed; only death rules. This is Iraq and this is the situation.”

“In my opinion, the main reason behind the current situation is the absence of a paternal ruling figure. If there had been a father-like ruler supporting all spectrums of society, then the situation would be different.”


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