Monday’s Iran Mini Report – September 10, 2018

Monday's Iran Mini Report - September 10, 2018

• Bahrain arrests 14 Iranians who tried to enter the country illegally

Authorities in Bahrain say they’ve arrested 14 Iranians who allegedly entered the island nation on “forged Asian passports.”

Bahrain’s Interior Ministry made the announcement Saturday night, saying those arrested paid for the Asian passports in cash to be able to enter the island off Saudi Arabia.

Bahrain has long accused Iran of arming and training Shiite militants and stirring dissent on the island, something Tehran denies.

• U.S. and Saudi energy ministers set to meet in Washington

US Energy Secretary Rick Perry will meet with Saudi Arabia’s energy minister, Khalid al-Falih, on Monday in Washington, a US government source said.

The meeting comes as the Trump administration encourages energy-producing countries to pump oil at high rates two months before it renews sanctions on Iran’s exports of crude.

Later in the week, Perry will meet in Moscow with Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak.

• Iranian Guards Confirm missile attack on Iraq-based Kurd dissidents

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards fired seven missiles in an attack on Iraq-based Iranian Kurdish dissidents that killed at least 11 people on Saturday, the elite military unit was reported as saying by Iranian news agencies on Sunday.

Iraqi Kurdish officials said Iran attacked the base of an Iranian Kurdish armed opposition group in northern Iraq on Saturday, killing at least 11 people and wounding scores more.

• Iranian women to face further suppression in the upcoming month

Iranian women will face further suppression and harassment under the pretext of improper veiling for the upcoming month of Muharram, which is essentially a month of mourning for Muslim Shiites.

The State Security Force Commander Hossein Ashtari announced this in a meeting on September 4, 2018, stating that the SSF would deal seriously with women violators who do not observe their hijab in vehicles, further adding that if such violators have previous record of warnings, their cars would be impounded.

• Rajai Shahr Warden Breaks Prisoner’s Wrist, Toes

A Rajai Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison warden known as “Mr. Zalali” assaulted 28-year-old prisoner Reza Ghasemi for unknown reasons on Tuesday, September 4th, breaking his right wrist and toes of both feet, confining him to a wheelchair.

Ghasemi is being held in Ward 10 of Rajai Shahr (30 miles west of Tehran), where beating and mistreatment of prisoners is not without precedent: Behrouz Hosseini from ward 6 was severely beaten Saturday, July 7, 2018 by prison staff; Earlier, on May 16th, Sunni prisoner Hamzeh Darvish, who had previously been transferred to the Coroner’s Office for health problems attributed to his hunger strike, was beaten. Prior to his visit to the Coroner’s office, prison officials reportedly intimidated and threatened him, warning him not to make incriminating statements against them.

• Iran completes facility to build centrifuges: nuclear chief

(Reuters) – Iran has completed a facility to build advanced centrifuges, Iran’s nuclear chief was quoted on Sunday as saying, as Tehran prepares to increase its uranium-enrichment capacity if the nuclear deal collapses after the United States exits.

Iranian officials have said they would decide whether to quit the 2015 nuclear deal after studying a planned European package of economic measures that could help offset U.S. sanctions.

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