Monday’s Iran Mini Report – March 18, 2019

Monday's Iran Mini Report - March 18, 2019

• Iranian prisoner hanged in public

A prisoner was publically hanged in Jahrom, south of Iran.

Also on Monday, March 11, three prisoners in Birjand Prison, northeastern Iran, charged with killing two armed agents of the regime, were also executed. Two of those executed were father and son.

A day prior to that, the Iranian regime executed another prisoner in Zahedan Central Prison, southeastern Iran. He was married and a father of two children. Some sources have mentioned that he was a former member of Iran’s national kickboxing team.

These executions are carried out after Ebrahim Raisi, one of the men in charge of the mass executions in 1988 massacre, was recently appointed as the head of Iran’s judiciary by the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei.

• Human Rights Organizations Support UN Special Rapporteur For Iran

In a letter published on March 15, more than 40 human rights organizations have supported the renewal of the mandate for the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Situation in Iran.

In the letter, a copy of which was published by the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI), 42 organizations have called the members of the UN Human Rights Council (UHRC) to extend Javaid Rehman’s assignment.

In his latest report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council on February 27, Rehman raised his concern over human rights violations in Iran, paying particular attention to the way the death penalty is carried out.

• Pompeo to Visit Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait to Bolster Anti-Iran Regime Drive

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo plans to push back against Iran’s “maligned” regional interests by visiting Israel, Kuwait and Lebanon this week.

“In each of those places, [we have] a different mission set, but the common thing in each of those places is helping those countries bolster their efforts to push back against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Pompeo told Fox and Friends on Friday as he described his March 19-23 visit to the Middle East.

• Iran is a threat to UK and Europe, US counter-terror chief says

The US is calling on the UK and European states to take a tougher stance to hold Iran accountable for its terror-linked activities.

Nathan Sales, the US ambassador-at-large and coordinator for counter-terrorism, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph that the UK will likely be targeted next as it is a “fertile ground” for Iran’s terror campaign.

Sales said: “If there are no costs, Iran is going to keep at it. So it’s incumbent on us to impose those costs so that we can deter future acts of terrorism,”.

He expressed concern at the number of attempted terror plots that Tehran has carried out in Europe.

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