Monday’s Iran Mini Report – July 16, 2018

Monday's Iran Mini Report - July 16, 2018

• Iranian regime official afraid of regime change and the role of MEK

July 15, 2018 – 2018 is a special year and we are in a very important twist in our history, said Gholamreza Jalali, chief of the Iranian regime’s Civil Defense Organization.“The entire anti-revolution drive is based on the PMOI/MEK’s initiative so they can follow up on their measures to overthrow the government through the people and by using the capacities of our security apparatus,” he added in recent remarks made in a meeting of regime officials involved in censorship and controlling social media networks.

• Senior US officials turn down European requests for Iran waivers

July 14, 2018 – Two of the Trump administration’s main men, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, known for their very strong positions on the Iranian regime, have flatly turned down a request from leaders in Europe seeking waivers from Iran sanctions the U.S. will slap against those countries choosing to do business with the mullahs’ regime after U.S. President Donald Trump has exited from the highly flawed Iran nuclear deal.

The U.S. withdrawal from the deal will most likely make pledges made by the other parties, China, France, Germany, Russia and the U.K., to remain loyal to the pact virtually impossible.

• Strike of Drivers from Bus Company in Hamadan, Iran

On Sunday, July 15, 2018, the drivers of the Hamadan and Suburbs Bus Company set up protests against non-payment of wages, last year’s bonuses, as well as imposing extra hours of work and incompetence on the part of Hamedan municipality officials.

This protest rally took place in the central terminal of the bus company and the drivers of the Bus Company of Hamadan and suburbs went on strike. The protesting drivers are demanding reductions to daily work hours and full payment of their wage demands.

• Protest Gathering Of Teachers from Fars Province

On Sunday, July 15, 2018, a group of teachers in Shiraz, Fars province of Iran gathered in front of the the provincial governorate, and protested against issued judicial sentences for teachers and burned their legal bills.

• Protests In Bushehr And Khuzestan over Water Scarcity In Iran

On Sunday, July 15, a crowd of Bushehr citizens protested against the lack of water and electricity in the city in front of the the Bushehr governorate.

It should be noted that the protest gathering in Bushehr occurred according to a previous call.

• Iran Says Three Militants Killed Near Iraqi Border

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) killed three suspected militants in a security operation conducted on July 14 in the western part of the country near the border with Iraq, state media reports.

The IRGC, in a statement carried by Iran’s official news agency IRNA, said that “antirevolutionary terrorists” had planned sabotage attacks after crossing the border into Iran in the Kermanshah region.

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