Monday’s Iran Mini Report – January 28, 2019

Monday's Iran Mini Report - January 28, 2019

• No Standard Heating For 136,000 Classrooms in Iran

The heating systems in 136,000 classrooms across Iran do not have the required standards, the Islamic Republic’s Deputy Minister of Education has said.

Mehrollah Rakhshani Mehr asserted on Saturday, January 26: “As most of these classrooms are located in the province of Sistan & Baluchestan and other regions with no gas pipelines, it is impossible to upgrade their heating system for the moment,”.

Scores of Iranian schoolchildren have died or badly burnt in recent years in classrooms heated with substandard and unsafe kerosene stoves.

• Prominent imprisoned lawyer and political prisoner in danger

The attorney of Mrs. Narges Mohammadi the prominent Iranian lawyer warned that her client is in danger since she has been denied urgent medical care and anti-paroxysm medicines. Mr Behzadi also reiterated that Evin Prison officials will be responsible for any possible harms to Mrs. Mohammadi in this regard.

• Iran regime Council Again Fails to Approve Financial Reforms Demanded by the West

A key arbitration panel scheduled to rule on legislation related to financial reforms in Iran demanded by the international community has again failed to resolve the issue, Iranian agencies reported on Saturday.

The Expediency Discernment Council (EDC) had scheduled a vote for Saturday to decide the fate of a number of bills approved by parliament to pave the way for Iran to join international conventions against money laundering and financing terrorist organizations.

• 1,800 Children Separated From Their Imprisoned Mothers

At least 1,800 children of imprisoned women, were separated from their mothers and were delivered to Welfare Organization, the state-run ILNA news agency reported on January 26.

Cited by ILNA, Mohammad Nefriyeh, director general of the Children and Youth affairs in the Welfare Organization, said: “According to a memorandum between the Welfare Organization and the Prison Organisations, all children above two years of age who live with their mothers in prison, must be delivered to the Welfare Organization.”

Over 2,300 children live in prison in Iran with their mothers, a member of parliament said July 23, 2017.

• Unable To Afford Huge Bail Iranian Writers Incarcerated

Three members of Iranian Writers Association (IWA) were arrested on Tuesday, January 22 after they failed to appear before the court and provide large bails.

According to reports judicial authorities have set unaffordable bails for Baktash Abtin, Reza Khandan Mahabadi and Keyvan Bazhan, which they could not afford.

Iranian Writers Association (IWA) strongly protested the decision made by judicial authorities to set such bails for three of its members.

In a statement published on Tuesday, January 22, IWA said, the ten billion rials (roughly $240,000) bail set for Bektash Abtin, Kayvan Bazhan, and Reza Khandan Mahabadi “is unacceptable” and they should be released immediately.

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