Monday’s Iran Mini Report – April.16, 2018


• DALGAN – Iran: Security forces killed four people

April 15, Dalgan City Governor in Sistan- Baluchistan province, in an interview with state run ‘Ilna news agency,’ confirmed reports about the death of a four passengers who were shot in their car by police officers.

According to the report, in addition to the driver, a three-year-old girl and two boys, aged 18 and 23 who were in the car were killed.

• A Lady Political Prisoner on Her 72nd Day of Hunger Strike.
The female civil activist and political prisoner, Golrokh Iraee, is still on hunger strike after 72 days.

She has lost at least 20 kilograms since the start of her hunger strike, and after being transferred to a hospital, she has lost the ability to get out of bed and walk.

Mrs. Irai along with Ms. Athena Daemi, another political prisoner have been illegally transferred to the Qarchak prison in Varamin on February last year, and she has been on hunger strike to protest against this transfer.

• Iran bans foreign social media networks in schools

Iran’s ministry of education on Sunday (April 15) banned the use of foreign social media networks in schools, the ILNA news agency reported, amid a push by Tehran to limit the influence of outside online platforms.

Schools must “only use domestic social networks” for their communication, the ministry said in a statement, according to the reformist-linked news agency.

Telegram is the most popular social network in Iran. In 2017, the app claimed it had 40-million monthly users in the Islamic Republic.

• Central Bank declared: The injection of currency to the market will be halted till further notice

The Central Bank spokesman, Mohammad Ali Karimi, on Monday April 16 announced that, until further notice, the supply of foreign currency to the market will be stopped and foreign currency will not be traded.

In recent weeks, the value of the currency in Iran has risen to an unprecedented point where, for the first time, the price in dollars exceeded 6 thousand tomans (Iranian currency).

• Ed Royce: The international community needs to impose strong sanctions against the Iranian and Syrian regime

The head of the House of Representatives’ Foreign Relations Committee said the international community should take steps to establish such as safe areas in Syria and impose strong sanctions against the Syrian regime and its supporters like the Iranian and Russian regimes.

On Sunday, April 15 with the Fox Network, saying that all the countries in the region except the Iranian regime want to resolve the Syrian crisis, because this regime wants to maintain a critical situation in Syria, to establish militants and send arms to the Israeli border. Hence, the Iranian regime needs chaos in Syria.

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