Monday’S Iran Mini Report – Apr.02, 2018

• Lebanese Interior Minister: Beirut’s Identity is Threatened by Iranian Agenda

Beirut. Monday, 2 April, 2018 Lebanese Interior Minister Nohad El Machnouk warned on Sunday that the identity of Beirut was being threatened by the Iranian agenda.

He stressed that the policy of disassociation from regional crises that has been adopted by Prime Minister Saad Hariri sine 2010 has achieved stability and security for the whole of Lebanon.

• Iran regime’s MP says the fight against corruption should begin with Ali Khamenei’s office

“Corruption has become dominant in the country’s structure, and I have no hope that any law can stop this corruption,” Stated: Gholamali Jafarzadeh in an interview with the website of “Event 24”. He also warned, “If one day our revolution is in trouble; you must know that massive corruption has been the cause.”

• 78 people hospitalized after sand storms in Sistan-Baloochestan blanketed the city

Extremely high levels of dust and sand blanketed the province of Sistan-Baloochestan in southeastern Iran, resulting in hospitalization of 78 persons. ’36 persons, out of the 78 who had come for help to the hospital were hospitalized,’ said Hamid Reza Bozi, the head of public relations at the Zabol University of Medical Sciences, on Sunday.

• Concerns over the status of asylum seekers in Nauru

After the island of Nauru declared it will severe relation with Supreme Court of Australia as the legal authority for appeals, the asylum-seekers’ defenders expressed concern about the status of the asylum seekers on the island. The largest group of Australian asylum seekers sent to Nauru are Iranians.

• Arrest of 20 protesting Hafttappeh sugar cane factory workers

The Mullahs’ regime arrested those workers who had been summoned to the judiciary courthouse in Shush, southwest of Iran. Despite an announcement by the court officer of the end of the court session, on Sunday

• Fifth consecutive day of demonstration by Ahvazi residents

Residents of Ahvaz in southwestern Iran demonstrated on Sunday for the fifth consecutive day in different parts of the town. They chanted slogans against the Iranian regime’s brutal policies of oppression, discrimination, and sequestration.

• Ousting of a government clergy from a local concert in the city of Bushkan

In an obstreperous move that encouraged and revived everybody at the theater, the audience participating a concert in the small town of Bushkan, near the port of Bushehr, southwest of Iran, ousted an Iranian regime’s clergyman who attempted to stop their concert. This incident took place on Saturday, March 31 and its video clip was posted on social media too.

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