Millions across Iraq demand overthrow of al-Maliki

NCRI – Millions of protesters across Iraq have accused prime minister Nouri al-Maliki of murdering opponents and called for his government to be overthrown.

Demonstrators also demanded that the United Nations’ Iraqi envoy Martin Kobler be sacked for complicity in al-Maliki’s crimes.

In Fallujah, the Friday preacher blamed the prime minister for his role in the bombing of mosques and the assassination of tribal sheikhs and university professors.

Al-Jazeera television said of a protest in Ramadi: “Maliki’s security forces prevented reporters from covering the demonstration and barred SNG vehicles from entering the protest camp, which infuriated protesters took as a declaration of war.”

Al-Taqyeer TV reported that al-Maliki’s forces confiscated a vehicle broadcasting the demonstration and also prevented them from entering the camp in Ramadi.

In the city of Samera, a protesters’ spokesman rejected negotiations with al-Maliki and told him: “What honor does this government have left when your paramilitary forces brandish their weapons and threaten to kill people in broad daylight?

“We tell Maliki that you have not understood the Sunnis. Don’t challenge our resistance and patience. You have annihilated your partners and we have had enough of this oppression.

“You grab your sword then invite us to negotiate? Confess to your sins and then we will talk.”

The protesters’ representative in Kirkuk said: “We are witnessing Maliki’s forces murdering people. They kill peaceful protesters. We are fully aware that the head of this government is a sectarian.”

In Samera, protesters’ spokesman Najeh al-Mizan called for Martin Kobler to be sacked and told crowds: “An international delegation must investigate the crime committed in al-Hawijah, and those responsible must be held accountable.

“But we will not accept any delegation unless Maliki’s defense minister Sadoon Dolaimi, Ali Ghaidan and every military force that took part in this crime face justice.”


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