“Maliki handed Iraq on golden plate to Iran”: former premier

NCRI – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government handed Iraq to Iran “on a golden plate,” former Iraqi premier and head of the al-Iraqiyya Coalition Ayad Allawi said in an interview with Al Arabiya TV Channel Friday.

In a live TV interview with Al Arabiya, Allawi demanded Maliki’s resignation as thousands of people across Iraq continue to protest demanding a mass prisoner release, stronger human rights provisions in Iraq’s prisons, and a repeal of the current anti-terror legislation.

Allawi said that the U.S. war left Iraq torn apart, and that the regime that handled the country’s affairs afterwards built a political structure based on sectarianism.

During the past two weeks tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across Iraq in a show of their opposition to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Demonstrators expressed their anger on al-Maliki’s obedience to the Iranian regime by setting fire to the Iranian regime’s flag, shouting “out, out Iran ! Baghdad stays free” and “Maliki you coward, don’t take your advice from Iran.”

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