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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranKhamenei appoints four clerics to all-powerful Guardian Council

Khamenei appoints four clerics to all-powerful Guardian Council

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei has appointed four new clerics to the Guardian Council, which has the power to veto any law passed in the regime.

Khamenei also re-appointed Mohammad Momen, Mohammad Yazdi and Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi for further six year terms, and named Mehdi Shabzendedar as a new member of the council.

The Guardian Council of Constitution has 12 members, half of whom are clerics appointed directly by the supreme leader, and half are legal experts named by the Judiciary chief, who is also appointed by Khamenei.

Meanwhile, the Iranian parliament also named three new law experts as members of the Council during a session on Sunday.

Mohsen Esmaeili, Sam Savadkouhi and Nejatollah Ebrahimian were all approved by parliament, while two other law experts were rejected.

According to Iran’s constitution, the Guardian Council has the responsibility of vetting candidates to stand for presidential, parliamentary and City Council elections.

Also any bill passed by the Majlis (parliament) must also be approved by the Council to become law, and the Council can reject the law if it is either ‘unislamic’ or deemed to violate the constitution.