Kerry : Iranian regime should not join upcoming anti-ISIS meeting in Paris

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday it would be inappropriate for the Iranian regime to attend an upcoming meeting in Paris on how to defeat the Islamic State group, The Associated Press reported.

Secretary of State John Kerry, in Turkey to press its leaders on hardening its borders against extremist traffic and funding, said it’s not appropriate for the Iranian regime to to be at the discussions, given its support for the very government in Syria whose brutality helped fuel the Islamic State group.

“Under the circumstances, at this moment in time, it would not be right for number of reasons,” Kerry said. “It would not be appropriate, given the many other issues that are on the table with respect to their engagement in Syria and elsewhere.”

He said the Iranian regime’s forces have fought rebels in Syria, and the regime in Tehran is “a state sponsor of terror” in some areas of the world.

Mr. Kerry said during a visit to Baghdad on Wednesday. “The United States does not cooperate, militarily or otherwise, nor does it have any intention in this process of doing so, with Iran.”

Also Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird rejected the idea of co-operation with Iranian regime against the terrorist group, ISIS in Iraq.

“John Baird told a parliamentary committee Tuesday that Canada vehemently rejects any suggestion of working with Iran,” Ottawa Citizen reported on September 9.

“Iran is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world,” Baird said. “Just because it’s not their brand of terrorism doesn’t (absolve) them. They have had a very destabilizing influence in just about every single country in that region.”

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