John Kerry arrives in Abu Dhabi for Syria talks


US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Abu Dhabi on Monday for talks focusing on the situation in Syria.

Mr Kerry will meet Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi on the first leg of his trip. US officials said he also hoped to meet Saudi officials.

The UAE has been a part of a renewed effort by multiple countries to push for a political resolution to the situation in Syria.

UAE jets have also conducted airstrikes as part of a U.S.-led coalition in Syria targeting Islamic State militants who have controlled parts of that country and Iraq for more than a year.

Major powers with an interest in the conflict have set a target date of January 1 for talks and a ceasefire to begin, but the participants have yet to be identified.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration and European and Arab allies are seeking to peel Russia away from its alliance with the Iranian regime, a partnership that has bolstered Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, the Wall Street Journal reports quoting senior U.S. diplomats involved in efforts to end Syria’s conflict.

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