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Italy says no one sets conditions for its Iran visit

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini NCRI – Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said on Monday that he is not influenced by others in canceling his trip last Wednesday to Iran, Italian news agency ANSA reported.

"No one sets conditions for us, we have our own deep convictions, but we also have international and European obligations that we must maintain." he said in response to the spokesman of Iranian regime’s foreign ministry.

Hassan Qashqavi, spokesman of Iranian regime’s foreign ministry said Monday Frattini has canceled its visit to Tehran because of being "influenced by others."

Frattini on Wednesday cancelled a planned visit to Iran after Tehran changed the meeting location from the capital to a missile test site in northern city of Semnan.

"The visit of Foreign Minister to Iran will not take place following Tehran's conditioning request to plan the protocol meeting with the Iranian president in a city other than the capital, in Semnan," the ministry said in a communique on Wedneday.

The communique made no mention of reported criticism over the planned trip, nor did it mention a missile test conducted Wednesday by Iran with a claimed range of 2000 Kilometers.

Mahmoud Hakamian, member of foreign affairs committee of the National council of resistance of Iran told ANSA on Saturday that Frattini avoided a diplomatic trap by canceling his scheduled trip to Iran.

He said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian regime’s President, who wanted to greet Frattini in Semnan hours after the successful testing of a new missile, was "a ruthless dictator who has now shown his true face to the Italian people".