Iraqi journalist: Iraqi people will change al-Maliki regime

NCRI – Iraqis are set to rise up and oust their ‘puppet’ government which is controlled by the brutal regime in Iran, a leading Iraqi journalist has predicted.

Ali al-Kelidar told Iraq’s TV SAFA on Friday: “When the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Minister met with Faleh al-Fayaz, Maliki’s so-called security adviser, I believe he advised him to swiftly step up executions, murders with handguns equipped with silencers and suppress all demonstrations, just as they did with the Iranian opposition.

“This has already happened twice in Camp Ashraf to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) opposing the Iranian regime in Iraq. The second time it happened in April 2011 was a sudden attack against camp residents in which more than 35 were killed and 300 were injured.

“The attack was specifically ordered by Maliki as the chief commander of the armed forces, and Ali Ghaidan, commander of the ground forces, along with several officers from Diyala Province.

“The case of Ashraf was referred to the international courts, including to a national court in Spain.

“After that, summonses were issued for Ali Ghaidan and two other officers. When Maliki’s loses his immunity, an arrest warrant will also be issued for him and he will be interrogated.

“I believe instructions have been given to target any activity and gathering, a move which will be fully supported by the Iranian regime, its Intelligence Ministry, Revolutionary Guard Corps and Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force.

“The Iranian regime has also demanded that Iraq annihilate the Iranian opposition, just as they launched 40 rockets on the PMOI(MEK)’s camp last February.

“The Iraqi people, parliamentarians and tribal leaders have demanded urgent action from the UN so that these people are returned to Ashraf and their relocation to third countries is dealt with from there.

“Following this attack, the UN’s representative Martin Kobler did nothing. Friday preachers and others have demanded his expulsion from Iraq because he has collaborated in deceiving the public and the Security Council regarding events in Iraq.

“And why the attack Hawijah? Because it was a small city in a remote area. He wanted to make an example of Hawijah, but it had the opposite result because the blood of innocent people was shed.

“I believe the Iranian regime’s instructions to Iraq have yielded nothing. People are scrapping their older demands feeling that it is senseless to make them after the massacre in Hawijah. Instead, there is now is a revolution brewing to changing this puppet regime in Iraq.”

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