Iraqi citizens express their anger and disgust at Larijani’s visit



LarijaniReport by al-Sharqiya Iraqi TV
Baghdad residents condemned the trip by Ali Larijani, speaker of mullahs’ parliament to Baghdad because of Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraqi affairs and its dispatch of arms and militias to Iraq to kill civilians.

Iraqis from different groups demanded that as long as Iran continues meddling in Iraqi affairs any Iranian officials should not be welcomed to Iraq.

A Baghdad resident said: People of Iraq reject Larijani’s trip to Iraq because we are Iraqi and don’t want anybody to interfere in our affairs. Unfortunately they are the ones that instigate sectarianism and things like this and cause problems in our country. They come to visit us and interfere in our internal and external affairs. We don’t want anybody comes and visits us and order us to do things their way. We don’t want anybody comes to visit us and raise another flag rather than ours.
Another Baghdad resident said: It would have been better if he didn’t come. You have seen the explosions in the ministry. Does his coming to Iraq solve any problem? We are scared to lose these few clean streets that have remained clean. All the streets in Baghdad are damaged. There is no electricity and no water… He wants to come to do what?

A woman in Baghdad condemned Larijani’s visit and said: They used to kill people one at a time, but now they kill them in groups. No one comes out of their homes. No one’s safety is guaranteed. People are afraid to send their daughters out on streets. Iranian regime has invaded Baghdad. Iranian regime hates us. Who else but Iranian regime is governing us? All we have is in the possession of the Iranian regime.
Another Iraqi citizen said: We have suffered so much. We tried so hard but everything is gone. Whoever comes to visit us is from Iran. Every official you see is under influence of Iran from every officials to Ministers. I tell them we do not welcome you. Ordinary people or political personalities do not welcome you. We are fed up with your meddling in Iraqi affairs. 

Another Iraqi said: Iranian regime has been bothering us. They destroyed Iraqi lands and destroyed Iraq. The Iranian regime is responsible for any explosions in Iraq.

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