Iraqi Ahrar Party expresses concern on Iranian regime’s growing influence in Iraq

 Source: Website of Ahrar Party of Iraq, Dec. 18, 2009
In an interview with David Frost today for Al-Jazeera, Ayad Jamal Aldin – leader of the Ahrar party – spoke of the growing influence Iran now has within the Iraqi government and Nouri al Maliki's inability to control the escalating violence within the country.

Talking about the invasion of the Fauqa oil fields by Iranian troops, in which Iraqis have accused Iran of firing upon their people, Mr. Jamal Aldin said: "Iran have aggressively invaded Iraq because they know Maliki is weak and has no control over the country's security forces. The world need to know that unless strong action is taken against Tehran, Iraq will simply become another Iranian colony which will threaten stability throughout the middle east."

Mr. Jamal Aldin had pledged previously that should the Ahrar party gain power he will enforce the constitutional clause putting oil wealth at the disposal of all Iraqis to pay for clean water and reliable energies. "Should Iran take control of our oil reserves it will be the people of Iraq who, once again, lose out."

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