Iraq: Terrorists affiliated to Iranian regime kill 70 Sunni worshipers

The death toll from Friday attack on a Sunni mosque in north of Baghdad by armed men belonging to the groups affiliated to the Iranian regime has reached 73, a morgue official said.

Doctors and the officers put the toll from the attack, in which worshippers were sprayed with machinegun fire, at 70 dead and 20 wounded.

Militants targeted a Sunni mosque in a province next to the Iraqi capital during weekly prayers on Friday.

Ambulances took the bodies 60km to the provincial capital of Baquba, where Iranian-trained Shiite militias are powerful and act with impunity, Reuters reported.

Lawmaker Nahida Al Dayani, who is from Diyala, said about 150 worshippers were at Imam Wais mosque when the militiamen arrived following a roadside bombing which had targeted a security vehicle. “It is a new massacre,” said Dayani, a Sunni originally from the village where the attack happened.

“Sectarian militias entered and opened fire at worshippers. Most mosques have no security,” she told Reuters.
“Some of the victims were from one family. Some women who rushed to see the fate of their relatives at the mosque were killed.”

Sources: News Agencies

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