Iraq’s Sadr demands PM Maliki and government toppled

NCRI – Iraqi cleric and political leader Muqtada Sadr has called on the nation to rise up and topple prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and his government.

He accused Maliki of causing nationwide suffering to the people and promoting terrorism in Iraq.

Sadr – the Shiite leader believed to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed – said in a statement: “The Prime Minister has nothing left but his seat and those around him.

“The countdown for the end of this government has begun and we demand the people to rise up against him. We will give no more chances to Maliki’s government, not even 100 days or less.”

Referring to a wave of bombings across Iraq, Sadr said: “The cities Kirkuk and Baghdad and provinces in the south, north and center face pain and suffering. The paramilitaries are playing with the lives of these people and Maliki’s government does nothing about it.

“If any nation experienced what we are experiencing, they would rise up and demand the resignation of their government, and above all Maliki.”

Sadr had earlier also warned the Maliki’s government on May 27 following a series of bomb attacks.

He added: “Terrorism has influence and control in Iraq. The militants frequently step up their bombings, which are met by mere condemnation or silence by all parties.

“The people are now without a government to protect them and are facing terrorism without help from anyone.”

He called on Iraqis to ‘eliminate hatred from their hearts, defuse sectarian rancour, and return to God’.

He said: “As for the government, it must prosecute and expel incompetent and disloyal members of the security corps who are only after power and recognition.”

Meanwhile several humanitarian organizations in Iraq have demanded a trade blockade of goods made in Iran.

Humanitarian groups spokesman Vasam al-Aani said: “A number of Iraqi youths have volunteered to install boards in the streets reading ‘No to the Iranian regime’s merchandise’ in order to inform the population.”

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