Iraq must select a PM and form ‘inclusive government’ to halt ISIL, Kerry says


The only way to halt the ‘chaos, nihilism and ruthless thuggery’ of terrorist group ISIL is to form an inclusive government in Iraq, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said in a statement.

Iraq’s leaders must also select a new prime minister and confront the growing humanitarian and security crisis with the urgency it demands, Mr Kerry said.

He added: “ISIL’s campaign of terror against the innocent, including Yezedi and Christian minorities, and its grotesque and targeted acts of violence bear all the warning signs and hallmarks of genocide.

“ISIL is offering nothing to anyone except chaos, nihilism, and ruthless thuggery. With a gut-wrenching humanitarian crisis unfolding, and the rolls of the starving and sick growing daily, there’s not a minute to waste.

“President Obama has been unequivocal that he will do what is necessary and what is in our national interest to confront ISIL and its threat to the security of the region and to our own long-term security.

“But… the only durable way to stop ISIL is for Iraq’s real leaders to unite and form an inclusive government as rapidly as possible within their own constitutional framework, including the selection of a prime minister.

“Only ISIL wins if Iraqi political leaders avoid making tough choices rapidly to tip the balance in favor of inclusive and effective governance.”

Source: U.S Department of State website

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