Iraq: Member of Parliament calls on UN to replace Martin Kobler

NCRI – A member of Iraqi parliament asked the UN to replace its representative in Iraq, Martin Kobler for his failure to achieve the International Mission’s task and stop the human rights violations in Iraq.

Abid Thiab al-Ajili said in a news conference on Wednesday: ” the United Nations envoy, after dealing directly with him, we noticed that he does not have a neutrality and he failed to achieve the goals of the international organization,” Nina Iraqi news website reported on Wednesday.

He added: “Kobler failed to achieve his humanitarian and professional duty to stop the ongoing violations of human rights, especially in light of what is happening of arrests, torture, rape and exclusion and marginalization of a territorial nature.” Ajili criticized: “Kobler’s silence, about the abuses and problems that occur in the country and he has given directly or indirectly the green light for the spoilers to commit more and giving them legitimacy of what is happening.”

Ajili stressed the need to choose a professional, courage, and fair alternative to the UN envoy in Iraq.
The al-Iraqiya coalition has strongly criticized Kobler and accused him of being “a liar and did not pay attention to the suffering of Iraqis.”

According to NINA, the coalitions’ speaker, Maysoon al-Damalochi said in a press statement that: “Martin Kobler is liar and he did not pay any attention to the Iraqis and their suffering and he was not successful in his mission. We hope the United Nations to take a different role than they did in recent years, and to be an advocate for the Iraqi people not the government, whether Maliki’s government or other. “

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