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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranIraq: Anti-Maliki protestors condemn Iranian 'criminal' minister visit to Baghdad

Iraq: Anti-Maliki protestors condemn Iranian ‘criminal’ minister visit to Baghdad

NCRI – During massive anti-Maliki protests on Friday across Iraq anger was expressed at the visit of Iran’s ‘criminal’ intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi.

A spokesman for protesters told Iraq’s al-Shawqiya TV: “We condemn his visit to Iraq and we reject the Iranian regime.”

In city of Ramadi, another protester branded prime minister Nouri al-Maliki ‘a liar’, adding: “Iranian regime’s intelligence minister had visited Iraq five years ago and now he is visiting again.

“This time he has come here to insist that our protests must be suppressed. What right does he have to meddle in the affairs of Iraq. He is a criminal liar.”

Also in Ramadi, protesters erected a large banner reading: “The US has handed Iraq over to the Iranian regime.”

In Falluja protesters displayed another banner reading: “We condemn the criminal missile attack on Camp Liberty and demand the residents be returned to Camp Ashraf.”

Camp Liberty, near Baghdad houses some 3,100 members of The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Iraq who were evicted from their 27 years home in Ashraf.

Moslehi’s visit has also been widely condemned by religious and tribal leaders across Iraq.

The National Council of Tribes issued a statement reading: “We condemn the visit of Iranian regime’s Intelligence minister to Iraq. We, along with the Iraqi people, demand his expulsion from Iraq.”

A statement by Council of Sheikhs in Diyala Province said: “The Iraqi people will not gain anything from this visit but the collusion between this criminal and Iraq to intensify the suppression and torture of the Iraqi and Iranian people.”

And the Student Solidarity Association said: “Moslehi’s visit is equal to waging war with Iraq. He is the cause of all the destruction in Iran, Iraq and Syria. We do not accept the visit of a murderer of the Iranian regime.”