Iraq: Anti-Maliki protestors call for UN Martin Kobler to be sacked

NCRI – Baghdad TV reported on Thursday that committees organizing the Iraqi protests against the policies of Nouri Al-Maliki in the Iraq’s Nineva province were launching a petition to demand Mr Kobler’s replacement.

The committee’s spokesman Ghanem Al-Aabed said they had launched the campaign to oust Kobler because his behaviour was ‘unprofessional’. Similar campaigns were expected to be launched in other provinces, he said.

Iraq’a Al-Babeliya television also reported that protestors in city of Hawija had accused Mr Kobler of ‘meeting with criminals and abandoning victims’.

The channel also said Mr Kobler had met with a number of officials in Kirkuk, and that he said in a press conference after the meeting that the UN ‘did not take sides’ and tried to treat everyone in the same way, although there were some ‘considerations and exceptions’.

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