Iraq: Anti-Maliki protesters shun Martin Kobler and demand he is sacked

NCRI – Anti-government protesters in Iraq have refused to meet the United Nation’s discredited envoy Martin Kobler, and demanded he be sacked and replaced.

Martin Kobler had asked to meet demonstrators who have gathered thousands of signatures calling for him to quit his post over his links to Iraqi prime minister Nouri Al-Maliki.

But defiant protest leader Ghanem al-Abed said they did not believe Martin Kobler was ‘competent to discuss human rights’.

Mr Al-Abed told Iraq’s al-Sharqiya TV on Thursday: “Today the office of Martin Kobler, the UN Special Representative in Iraq, demanded that we go to Baghdad on Monday to talk about the signatures we have gathered calling for him to be replaced because he is impartial.

“His demand was rejected because the protesters believe that Martin Kobler is by no means competent to discuss human rights.

“All international organizations admit that violations of human rights and torture are being inflicted on the Iraqi citizens in the detention canters by our repressive government, and Martin Kobler is siding and collaborating with this government.

“He asked us to give the list of names that we are going to give to the United Nations, but we rejected this demand too.”

Mr Al-Aabed added: “We are side lining Martin Kobler in all further issues, and we will not cooperate with his organization until they replace him. We also welcome yesterday’s call in the European Parliament to replace Martin Kobler.”


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