Iraq: 250 thousands Iraqis participated in demonstration in Fallujah demanding overthrow of Maliki government

Police officers attended the protest and Maliki’s picture and Iranian regime’s symbols were set on fire by demonstrators and police officers

NCRI – Since Monday Dec. 12 al-Anbar tribes demonstrators and police officers in the police center set pictures of Maliki and symbols of the Iranian regime on fire and raise the flag of Free Syrian army which they call Free Iraqi army flag.

The police officers participated in the demonstration wearing plain cloths and supported demonstrators’ demand to overtnrow the repression and sectarian hatred that Maliki imposes on Sunnies. The demonstrators carried the placards “Iran must be expelled” and chanted “People want overthrow of the regime.”

Reports  today, Wednesday Dec. 26, indicate a widesprerad protest of more than 250 thousands people in the city of Fallujah. The people of Fallujah issued a statement emphasizing continuation of civil disobedience and protests until overthrow of Maliki’s government and called people via loudspeakers in Fallujah’s mosques to participate in “Wedensday Dignity” demonstration in the city of al-Ramadi.

Also, people of Samarra in solidarity with people of Fallujah announced that they will start civil disobedience demanding release of prisoners particularly women prisoners.

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