Iranian regime’s secret night flights to arm Syria’s Assad revealed

The Iranian regime provides military support to the Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad by way of regular clandestine flights between Tehran and Damascus, according to a Syrian official with knowledge of air traffic between the two capitals, The National reported.

“Up to three supply flights occur each week between the two cities, none of them appearing on public timetables, said the official, who has access to certain details of air traffic in and out of Damascus International Airport,” according to the report.

“The flights typically take place at night, with no weekly schedule set in advance.”

“There are private flights every week, sometimes three a week, and they are controlled by an Iranian officer in Damascus,” the Syrian official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information.”

“Everyone must follow this [Iranian] man’s orders. We have been told he is the second most important man in Syria and that we are to do as he says without question,” said the official, who continues to work for the Syrian regime in Damascus.

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