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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranIranian regime's intelligence minister urged Iraq to crush protests and support Syria

Iranian regime’s intelligence minister urged Iraq to crush protests and support Syria

NCRI – The visit of the Iranian intelligence minister to Baghdad is a cynical ploy to urge Iraq to suppress its own people and support the embattled regime in Syria, a prominent Iraqi religious leader has claimed.

Rafe al-Refaei spoke out against Heydar Moslehi’s trip amid mounting public protests at his presence in the country.

Mr al-Refaei told al-Shaqiya TV on Saturday, April 6: “The visit by Heydar Moslehi clearly demonstrates how the Iranian regime is dominating al-Maliki and his government. His guidelines are to suppress the protesters, support Bashar al-Assad and his para-military forces killing Syrian people and destroying Syria.”

Moslehi’s visit has also been widely condemned by religious and tribal leaders across Iraq.

The National Council of Tribes issued a statement reading: “We condemn the visit of Iranian regime’s Intelligence minister to Iraq. We, along with the Iraqi people, demand his expulsion from Iraq.”

A statement by Council of Sheikhs in Diyala Province said: “The Iraqi people will not gain anything from this visit but the collusion between this criminal and Iraq to intensify the suppression and torture of the Iraqi and Iranian people.”

And the Student Solidarity Association said: “Moslehi’s visit is equal to waging war with Iraq. He is the cause of all the destruction in Iran, Iraq and Syria. We do not accept the visit of a murderer of the Iranian regime.”