Iranian regime oppose upcoming Israel-Palestinian talks

The Iranian regime expressed its opposition to upcoming US-mediated peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

“It is certain that occupying Zionist regime will utterly not agree to withdraw from the occupied lands”, the Iranian regime’s state-run media quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi.

US Secretary of state John Kerry announced on Friday that Israel and Palestine had agreed to meet to prepare a resumption of direct peace talks, stalled since 2010.

John Kerry said, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will meet in Washington within “the next week or so” after an agreement on the basis to resume peace talks. Both Israeli and the Palestinian presidency welcomed the development.
The last round of direct talk between two sides nearly three years ago broke down over the issue settlement building in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Arab League said on Sunday it supported the Palestinian stance on the announcement of resumed peace talks with Israel. , but it was skeptical of Israel intentions.

Mohammed Sabih, deputy secretary general for Palestinian affairs and occupied Arab territories, told reporters that the Arab League “is forming a political support network for the Palestinian side in case it accepts to go to the negotiations with the Israeli side.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that renewed peace talks with the Palestinians would be tough, and he said any draft treaty would be put to a referendum. Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas has repeatedly stressed that his demands for a freeze to Israelis settlement building and the release of prisoners held by Israel must be met before talks can resume.

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