Iranian regime officials refused visas to New York

NCRI – The US government has refused to grant travel visas to New York for 40 members of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s delegation, including his director and deputy director of public relations. Eight deputies of the mullahs’ Majlis (Parliament) are also among those who did not receive visas, according to regime media outlets.

The state-run Khabar Network reported, “Similar to last year, the American government has continued to sabotage the president’s New York visit, refusing to issue visas for 40 members of Dr. Ahmadinejad’s delegation.”

The network added, “There are still no reports about visas for a number of female cabinet members who are scheduled to accompany the president. The president’s visa was also issued after a questionable delay on Friday hours before the president was due to leave Tehran for New York.”

According to the state-run new agency, a significant number of the regime’s journalists were also banned from traveling to New York.

Last year, the US government refused to issue visas for many members of Ahmadinejad’s entourage, including Morteza Bakhtiari, the Minister of Justice, Ali Zabihi, Ahmadinejad’s advisor, Ahmadinejad’s pilot and four of the regime’s intelligence agents.

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