Iranian regime meddling expected to be a main issues at upcoming GCC summit

The Iranian regime meddling in the countries in Middle East is expected to be one of the main topics for discussions at upcoming 25th Gulf Cooperation Council summit set to begin on Tuesday in Kuwait.

“Most Gulf Arab states, wary of Iranian influence among Shi’ite co-religionists in Bahrain, eastern Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq, want the summit to send a strong message to Iran to stop alleged meddling there”, Reuters reported.

The report said: “they also fret that their main ally, the United States, participating in talks about Iran’s disputed nuclear programme, may one day restore full ties with Tehran three decades after they were cut in a crisis over the taking of U.S. hostages.”

The report quoted Ebtisam al-Qitbi, a professor of political science at the Emirates University in the United Arab Emirates as saying: “Gulf states see the main challenge coming from Iran’s geo-political project,” Qitbi said. “This project is getting strong and is trying to find cracks through which to penetrate the Arab wall.”

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