Iranian regime employing new methods for murdering the Iraqi people

NCRI – The Iraqi newspaper, Al-Zaman on May 31st reported: Murder of innocent people using gas cylinders made by Iranian regime is a deadly present to Iraqi families. This is a new method used by the Iranian regime in addition to other techniques.

This paper continued: “In animosity with Iraqi people the Iranian regime not only has used drills, knives, swords, guns, explosives and poisonous gas of chlorine as mass murder techniques but now has discovered new methods and objects."

"Currently the regime goes directly to the family’s houses and explodes their kitchens with the gas cylinders imported from Iran for this reason,” it added.

It goes on: “These deadly cylinders are imported to and distributed in Iraq for free by proxies and special organizations of the Iranian regime. They have been discovered in Waset province after a number of explosions in home kitchens.” 

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