Iranian regime denounced for meddling in Lebanese affairs

NCRI – Following a visit by the Iranian regime’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ‎Lebanon, the country’s majority coalition in Parliament issued a statement denouncing the ‎clerical regime’s meddling in Beirut’s internal affairs.‎


According to BBC on Wednesday, the “March 14” coalition said in a statement, ‎‎“The positions adopted by the Iranian president outside his official meetings in Lebanon ‎were not becoming of a leader visiting a friendly and independent country. It rather ‎appeared like he was visiting his country’s base on the Mediterranean.”‎

The statement referred to an open letter by 250 Lebanese political and civil rights activists ‎released on the eve of Ahmadinejad’s visit, which called on the mullahs’ president to ‎avoid interfering in Lebanese affairs. The statement added that the visit by the mullahs’ ‎president showed that the worries expressed in that letter were real and legitimate.‎

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