Iranian regime continues shelling Iraqi frontier and small villages in Iraqi Kurdistan

NCRI – The Iranian regime continues its bombing campaign of Iraqi Kurdistan, targeting the Iran-Iraq frontier as well as villages in the town of Chuman in Erbil province. The latest shelling went on for more than half an hour, a Kurdish official in Iraq told al-Arabiya TV on Friday. People in the region have been forced to flee from their homes. The Pishmarga Ministry of Kurdistan has also confirmed the continued presence of the Iranian regime’s forces in northern Iraq over the last two weeks. Jabbar Yavar, Deputy Pishmarga Minister, has said that federal border police have received information from the scene indicating that the Iranian regime’s forces continue their formation in Iraq’s Kurdistan in the Haj Omran region, penetrating 2 km into the Iraqi territory. Yavar added that the shelling of Kurdish regions, including Savaran, by the Iranian regime resumed after a two-day suspension, which resulted in some losses.

Iraq’s Foreign Ministry has demanded the clerical regime to stop bombarding Iraq’s Kurdish areas.

According to al-Sharqiya TV, Houshyar Zibari met with the Iranian regime’s ambassador to Iraq, reminding him of the need to urgently stop shelling Kurdish border regions and ending incursions by regime forces into northern Iraq.

Al-Sharqiya added that Zibari communicated Iraq’s protests to the Iranian regime with respect to the regime’s operations.

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