Iranian New Year Looks Bleak for Regime

Iranian New Year Looks Bleak for Regime

During the past year, the Iranian regime has been struggling to keep control over a number of issues. One such issue is the country’s economy. Last year, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the United States would be exiting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and that tough economic sanctions would be re-instated.

Throughout 2018, the U.S. President and his administration have been paying close attention to the Iranian regime and its belligerence in the region.

The U.S. State Department called on all countries to decrease their imports of Iranian oil to zero. Most countries have completely complied with the request and some of the biggest importers of Iranian oil have been granted extensions.

The Iranian economy took a hit and has been suffering for a number of months now. The people of Iran are getting poorer and poorer and an increasing number of people are falling into extreme poverty.

A number of regime officials have tried to portray the image of a country that is recovering from the effect of the sanctions. President Hassan Rouhani said during his recent visit to Iraq that Iran had overcome the challenge of the U.S. sanctions. This could not be further from the truth.

The Leader of the Iranian regime, Ali Khamenei, admitted in a New Year message that the people of Iran have struggled in recent months. He said that the country’s economy is an extremely urgent issue – the “primary” concern for the country.

Not only has the Iranian currency lost significant value, but the purchasing power of the people has seriously declined. Reports from the country indicate that people have had to remove meat from their diets for the sole reason that they can’t afford it.

The people of Iran are currently in the midst of Nowruz, or Persian New Year, celebrations, and again, many people are unable to afford the usual fare that they traditionally purchase.

It is noticeable that simultaneously widespread activities of the Resistance Units and waves of discontent in the forms of strikes, protest gatherings and demonstrations are continuing across the country.

The regime’s Leader said that the motto for the new year is “national production”. Yet, the chance of this being able to recover the economy is very slim. The Iranian regime, over the years, has completely destroyed the country’s economy and it has not taken any steps to remedy the situation.
Corruption is rife at all levels of leadership and it has destroyed the trust of the people. Instead of improving social services, taking care of the critical environmental issues and taking steps to win back the confidence of the people, the regime has continued to plunder the nation’s wealth on terrorist groups and activities.

The U.S. sanctions on Iran are really affecting the Iranian regime and this is exactly what the United States wants. The Trump administration is in the midst of a maximum pressure campaign and this is exactly what the situation warrants. His predecessor’s administration attempted the appeasement approach, but it was a complete failure. The EU is still trying to make the appeasement approach work, but it too is failing. This failure can be quantified when looking at how many terror attacks Iran attempted to carry out on European soil last year alone.

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