Iranian made missiles sent to Iraq in fruit boxes

NCRI – Iraqi forces have recently found a number Iranian made missiles in southern province of Misan that were smuggled from Iran in fruit boxes, al-Sharqiya TV reported on Wednesday.

“The boxes carried labels in Persian,” the report added.

NCRI – Iraqi forces have recently found a number Iranian made missiles in southern province of Misan that were smuggled from Iran in fruit boxes, al-Sharqiya TV reported on Wednesday.

“The boxes carried labels in Persian,” the report added.

The U.S. military had previously announced that Iranian regime is smuggling surface-to-air missiles and other advanced weapons into Iraq for use against American troops.

Other advanced Iranian weaponry found in Iraq include the RPG-29 rocket-propelled grenade, 240 mm rockets and armor-piercing roadside bombs known as explosively formed penetrators or EFPs.

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