Iranian Engineer’s Extradition to U.S. Approved by French Court

Iranian Engineer's Extradition to U.S. Approved by French Court

Extradition of an Iranian engineer to the United States by a French court is approved, this is to face charges of attempting to illegally import U.S. technology for military purposes on behalf of an Iranian company, a judicial source said on Thursday.

The court in Aix-en-Provence, southern France, also rejected a bail request by the Iranian engineer, Jalal Rohollahnejad, 41, who has been detained since Feb. 2 after being arrested at Nice airport as he got off a plane coming from Tehran via Moscow.

U.S. judicial investigators suspect Rohollahnejad of trying to import into Iran high-power industrial microwave systems from the United States that could be used for military purposes.

After withdrawing last May from a 2015 international deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program, the United States reimposed a raft of sanctions targeting a range of Iranian sectors.

U.S. judges say the engineer acted on behalf of a company linked to Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards.

A decree by the French prime minister is still necessary for the extradition to go ahead.

Source: Reuters

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