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Iran: What Options Remain?


By Staff Writer

Last month, US President Donald Trump announced that the United States is exiting the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, ending months of speculation. European leaders were calling on Trump to remain party to the deal, but he refused. In his speech, Trump pointed out that the nuclear deal was founded on lies and deception. Furthermore, Iran’s nuclear ambitions were not curbed and the billions of dollars that Iran benefitted from as a result of the lifting of sanctions was plundered on terrorist activities and the financing of proxy groups across the Middle East.

The Trump administration is implementing a return of sanctions and very few international businesses and enterprises will dare to risk jeopardising their relationship with the United States – the biggest and most powerful body in the financial system. Major deals are already falling apart and numerous negotiations have ended. The Iranian Regime’s Foreign Minister has been taking measures to persuade the other signatories of the deal to remain in it. However, without the United States, many are saying the deal cannot be valid.

If the deal was to fall apart, as many believe it will, can the Iranian economy survive? It is highly unlikely as the country’s economy is already in great difficulty and has been for quite some time. Add crippling sanctions to Iran’s finance and oil transactions and there is very little hope indeed.

At the end of last year, the people of Iran took to the streets to protest against the Iranian regime’s mismanagement of the country’s resources and economy. The widespread protests turned into anti-regime demonstrations and calls for regime-change.

It was not just one particular demographic or social class that took to the streets – it was all sectors of society.

People in Iran want regime change and it is the only remaining option for them if they ever want to experience freedom, democracy and human rights.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the main opposition to the clerical regime, and the only viable alternative, is holding its annual gathering in Paris at the end of the month.

On 30th June, dozens of foreign dignitaries, human rights activists, political figures and current and former officials will address tens of thousands of Iranians from around the world. Traditionally, the event has resulted in progress for the Free Iran cause and it certainly raises awareness for the issues.

The Iranian regime is in danger at home – the public discontent is not something the regime can ever recover from, and it is losing its grip on power in the region too. Iran has committed a huge amount of resources to extending its influence in Iraq, but now Moqtada Sadr’s Saeroon alliance will knock the regime far away from where it wants to be.

Furthermore, in Syria Iran has experienced military setbacks. It is reliant on its position in Syria. Faced with defeat from all angles, it is not a matter of if the Iranian regime will be overthrown. It is a question of when.