Iran: What Ahmadinejad and Larijani Brothers fighting Over


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Yet again, infighting among the different factions of the Iranian Regime has made headlines across the world, but most of these headlines are focusing on the wrong thing.

The well-publicised argument between Iran’s former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani and his brother, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani is not notable because of what they are fighting about but because they are fighting in public.

The supposed cause of the fight

Ahmadinejad, who is facing several corruption charges, has hit out against the Larijanis for conducting unfair trials and only prosecuting their enemies. He even held a sit-in at the Shah Abdol-Azim shrine in southern Tehran to protest this.

He claimed that the judiciary was unfairly pressuring him and his allies, accused the Larijani brothers of colluding to topple his administration, and even wrote an open letter to the Iranian Regime’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to criticise current President Hassam Rouhani and his government.

Ahmadinejad said that the ordinary Iranian people had ‘expressed dissatisfaction’ with Rouhani and had ‘lost faith’ in the judiciary. Considering the fact that there are hundreds of protests against Regime corruption and an unfair justice system every single day in Iran, it seems that ‘dissatisfaction’ may be putting it extremely mildly.

The real cause of the fight

It is not news that the Iranian Regime has a massive corruption problem- with many high-ranking Regime members seeking to line their own pockets or that of their official terrorist group, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

Nor is it news that the Iranian Regime’s ‘justice’ system is incredibly unjust with many unfair trials and wrongful imprisonments- their so-called ‘Justice’ Minister is on international watch lists for support of terrorism and took part in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners.

It is safe to say that neither of these factions cares about the Iranian people- they are just using them as pawns in their power play- and that neither of them are innocent in terms corruption or prosecuting the wrong people.

The real cause of the fight is that Khamenei is dying and Regime members are clamouring to take his place. Those in Ahmadinejad’s camp want him to replace Khamenei so that they can benefit from favours once he is in power. Those on the Larijanis’ side have the exact same plot for their faction leaders.

This infighting is a sure sign that time is almost up for the Iranian Regime.

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