Iran: Urgent call for ending executions and repression of women

Executions: Highest figure in the past 12 years
Press Release by Friends of a Free Iran
We are very disturbed of the news of the increasing trend of executions in Iran.
Eight prisoners were hanged on Monday in the Central Prison in the city of Karaj. The prisoners in Gohardasht Prison and Central Prison in Karaj launched a protest on Sunday to save dozens of their cellmates who are on the verge of execution.
Inmates who are on the verge of execution include a number of young prisoners sentenced to death who were chanting in the July protest in Ghezelhesar Prison “We will not let you kill us anymore! We will not let you execute our cellmates!”

Meanwhile, the families gathered in front of Karaj Court and chanted “We will not let you execute them.” A short video of heartbreaking cries of families of 16 prisoners facing execution can be seen here :
These executions have increased since the “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani took office.
Women: More repression under Rouhani
Repression of Iranian women and activists has also worsened under Rouhani, a UN rights investigator said in March. Women are deprived of most public rights and freedoms, even from watching matches in stadiums and from singing and are systematically dismissed from social activities.
Unfortunately the issue of human rights violations, the repression against women and the increasing trend of executions have been pushed into the side-lines during the on-going nuclear negotiations with Iran.
In such circumstances, we deeply regret that the Iranian regime has become a member of the executive board of “UN Women”, a body formed to promote gender equality and women’s access to positions of responsibility.
We call on the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the 28 member states to strongly condemn these abuses of human rights.
Gérard Deprez MEP
Chair, Friends of a Free Iran
European Parliament

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