IRAN: The “king of petrochemical trade” arrested

NCRI – The Iranian regime has arrested a manager of the largest petrochemical trade company in Iran for fraud that is said to be the largest fraud case in Iran.

A manger of Petrochemical Commercial Company (PCC) who has been introduced as the king of petrochemical trade has been recently arrested according to a report by a state-run news agency.

“Recently on of the country’s security institutions have arrested a senior manager in petrochemical trade for substantial financial fraud,” Fars News Agnecy affiliated to the Iranian regime’s revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reported on Saturday.

Petrochemical Commercial Company (PCC) is the largest supplier of petrochemical products which was privatized in January 2010.

The report said He had “created extensive network for economic fraud inside and outside of the country.”

“It seems that the extent of fraud in this case is much more than the $3 billion case that was the biggest fraud case,” the report added.

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