Iran : Students grill Moussavi about the 1988 massacre of political prisoners

NCRI – Students from the University of Babolsar (northern Iran) raised questions about the role of the Iranian regime’s former prime minister, Mirhossein Moussavi, in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners during his visit to the university on Monday, May 4, 2009.

When Moussavi dodged their questions, students quickly retorted by chants of “Mirhossein, give us an answer about 1988.”

Moussavi, who acted as the mullahs’ prime minister when Ruhollah Khomeini reigned as the regime’s Supreme Leader, has announced his candidacy for the mullahs’ upcoming sham presidential elections.

On Monday, one of the students asked Moussavi about kangaroo trials that issued judgments in the span of a few minutes and led to the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988. The student added: At the time, you were the prime minister. You were the third most powerful person in the country. What do you have to say now about your silence back then when all this was taking place? Was your silence a sign of endorsement? We want to stress again that you should explicitly respond to this question.

However, Moussavi refused to address the question directly, and as he was leaving the arena, students chanted, “Mirhossein, give us an answer about 1988.” Students also shouted slogans against other regime officials, in addition to Moussavi.

Some of their chants included, “Students die, but will never surrender,” “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The source of discrimination and corruption,” and “Detained students must be released.”

Babolsar University students also carried placards reading, “Detained students must be released,” and “Freedom of the press is our inalienable right.”

In the course of the 1988 massacre, which is a clear example of a crime  committed against humanity, more than 30,000 political prisoners, many of whom had already finished their sentences, were sent to the gallows for merely supporting, sympathizing with or being members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI.MEK). They were executed group after group in accordance with the religious decree (fatwa) issued by Ruhollah Khomeini, the mullah regime’s founder.

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