Iran: Senior cleric criticizes live broadcast of Majlis session on Rouhani cabinet

NCRI – The Friday Prayer Leader in city of Isfahan criticized the live broadcast of the 4-day session of Majlis (Iranian regime’s parliament) for not being “controlled” and the remarks made by the MPs were not “polite.”

Mullah Mohammad Taghi Rahbar said that live broadcast of parliament sessions discussing confirmation of Hassan Rouhani’s cabinet was not in the interest of the country since speeches could not be controlled.

“Given that live broadcast cannot be controlled, live broadcast of Majlis sessions was not in the interest of the society.” Rahbar said.

“it is not productive if many events are broadcasted under the watchful eyes of the world and enemies of Islam. Representatives should pay heed to being polite during their speeches and use suitable language.”

The four-day discussions to confirm Rouhani’s cabinet turned into a scene of disclosures, including embezzlement, abuse by cabinet candidates, and role of Rouhani’s cabinet ministers in suppression and security measures.

Conditions were such that after the first day, the parliament speaker Ali Larijani warned MPs. On the third day, some of the discussions were deferred to closed-door sessions.

According to reports even in the closed-door session representatives were told not to disclose each others’ wrongdoings.

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