Iran: Rohani’s election has only ‘delayed an explosion of public anger’ at regime

NCRI – The election of Hassan Rohani as the new president has delayed an ‘explosion’ of public discontent simmering within the regime, the head of a state-run journal has claimed.

Mehdi Nasiri, managing director of Samat, said Rohani was the ‘best choice’ for Ali Khamenei because he had put the explosion of popular dissent at the country on hold.

He told the website on July 11: “Overall, the presidency of Rohani is a very valuable opportunity for the Islamic Republic, only if the conservatives and other factions know how to use this opportunity.”

“It is very unlikely that Rohani could anything significant in the near future. However, with his election the opposition and objections of half the population has reduced and it will take two to three years for this half to oppose Rouhani.

“Therefore, we have stalled the public explosion for a few years. But if we don’t find a solution, this will turn into enmity.”

He added: “Everyone must now help Rohani so that those who voted for him see a positive outcome to their vote, otherwise there will be negative consequences.

“If Jalili had become president, no doubt many of the problems would have remained as they are, or may have intensified. After less than a year, this would have led to dissent directed towards the conservatives, the government and the Leader.

“This could have created a consolidated opposition that could have risen up at any moment. And in this case the whole government would have been in danger.”

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