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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranIran Regime Will Not See It’s 40th Anniversary

Iran Regime Will Not See It’s 40th Anniversary


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Iranian Regime has just passed its 39th anniversary, but it should not see its 40th.

In 1979, Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile to hijack the popular movement to overthrow the dictatorial monarchy. He took power from the people who had done all the hard work and instituted his own theocratic dictatorship.

Now, there is again a popular people’s protest in Iran- the biggest since 1979- and many in the West are wondering if this will be the end for the mullahs.

The protests, which began over a draft budget that would slash subsidies for the poor and increase military spending, has shaken the Regime by taking on an anti-regime slant.

Protesters attacked the buildings owned by suppressive forces, called for the removal of President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ali Khomeini, and rejected Iran’s malign military escapades.

The Regime’s suppressive forces were stretched to breaking point and had to call back forces from fighting on behalf of Bashar Assad in Syria to try and suppress the protesters. The Regime reacted with violence, shooting at least 50 people in the streets, arresting 8,000, and killing 12 via torture in prison.

All of this suggests a Free Iran is coming sooner rather than later and it is time for the West to embrace this new reality.

Ivan Sascha Sheehan, from the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Baltimore, wrote: “Policy toward Iran has historically been an enigma for Western powers and for Washington in particular. It could even be argued that U.S. policy toward Iran has been the bete noire for bipartisan administrations — Republican and Democrat — since the 1979 revolution.”

The Iranian Regime and its apologists have long lied about the Regime’s popularity with the people, stability, regional meddling, suppression of the people, and its political makeup.

Simply, the Regime is incredibly unpopular amongst its people but it has long suppressed the people and distracted the world from this through international interference.

The Regime is not made up of “moderates” and “hardliners” because it doesn’t allow moderates to take political office, but it does allow its politicians to play at being moderates (making some nice speeches about human rights, not shouting “Death to America”) in order to gain concessions from the West when needed. Case in point, the nuclear deal, which did not improve the lives of the Iranian people but only the very rich.

The West much challenge these lies, put pressure on the Iranian Regime, and support the Iranian people.

Sheehan wrote: “An anti-regime uprising that has yet to conclude has left the regime vulnerable and defensive as it commemorates its 39th anniversary. If the world takes the proper course, there is no reason it should be allowed to celebrate its 40th.”