Iran Regime’s TV: We Exported the Revolution So Much That There’s Nothing Left for Us


NCRI – In a settling of accounts between regime’s rival bands, regime’s TV acknowledged in a program the spread of corruption and plundering in the entire layers of the system, as well as an overwhelming economic pressures on people.

Pointing to a set of rules which allows for plundering of public property by regime officials, the regime’s TV acknowledged that these rules have enabled regime officials to become involved in embezzlement and receive economic rents and excessive salaries and properties, while not being taken to court even once, since there is always a legal way around it, and as they say, you can’t clean the glass with a dirty handkerchief.

Regime’s TV:

Revolutions become porous when their main slogans turn into a set of symbols, faces and pictures on the wall. If we take a look at our system, we’ll find out that aristocracy and discrimination have now become institutionalized.

None of these people have been taken to court to date, neither those who received excessive salaries or properties, nor those who went on foreign trips and came back … since there’s always a legal way to circumvent the law, as none of these people have been taken to court so far and I believe it’s quite unlikely that anyone would.

Why our people are not in favor of any faction? That’s exactly because they see such things (corruption, embezzlements, economic rents, etc…) while they (officials) remember only on election night that there are such things going on (in the country).

Today, a cartoon of Imam has been made in Beheshte Zahra Cemetery in such an aristocratic place (grave of Khomeini). Why none of our officials live like this? There’s a joke that says: “we exported the revolution so much that there’s nothing left for us.”

If the pressures in Iran were in any other country, dozens of revolutions would have happened out there.

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