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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranIran Regime's Supreme Leader Is Modern-Day Hitler

Iran Regime’s Supreme Leader Is Modern-Day Hitler

NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has called Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “the new Hitler of the Middle East” in an interview with The New York Times.

In the interview that was published on Thursday, Prince Mohammed bin Salman said: “But we learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work. We don’t want the new Hitler in Iran to repeat what happened in Europe in the Middle East.”

These comments are refreshingly honest about the threat that the Iranian Regime poses to its own people and to the world at large.

Like the Nazis, the Iranian Regime persecutes political opponents and their supporters, journalists, activists, religious and ethnic minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, and women. Any dissent- no matter how small- will be harshly punished.

Like Hitler, Khamenei has literally no checks and balances on his power. He is the unquestioned ruler and any who oppose him must be removed.

The Iranian Regime is also attempting to destabilise the countries around them, by illicitly working with proxy terrorist groups and inflaming regional or national tensions, in order to take power later on.

This is not a threat of what is to come but a frank assessment of the reality of the Iranian Regime.

The Regime is already guilty of the worst crime against humanity since the Holocaust of World War Two; the 1988 Iranian Massacre in which 30,000 political prisoners were executed in just a few months. Among those slaughtered were pregnant women, children as young as 13, and the elderly.

Many of those found ‘guilty’ of crimes against the Regime were simply handing out pro-democratic leaflets or found in possession of the newsletter of the Iranian Resistance group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran or the Mojahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK).

Prince Mohammed’s comments come as tensions are already aflame between the two countries.

Last Sunday, at a last minute general meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, Saudi Arabia promised that it would be silent in the face of Iranian “aggression”. In that meeting, the Arab League offered harsh criticism of the Iranian Regime.

The Saudi Prince, 32, said he has recently been making efforts to clear corruption in the country by removing many from prominent positions and wanted to restore a “moderate, open” Islam, with respect for women and other religions, to the traditionally conservative kingdom. A far cry from the Iranian Regime.

Saudi Arabia may have its own problems but Iran is the one gearing up for WW3.