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Iran Regime’s President Accentuates on Continuation of Violating the Spirit of Nuclear Deal


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Hassan Rouhani on Friday, September 22, 2017, stated that the country will constantly support its Shiite rebels in Yemen as well as Assad’s regime by strengthening its missile power. Meanwhile, Iran has tested another ballistic missile as well.

Rouhani delivered speech at the military parade on the anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war, claiming that the air force and missile programs are greatly supported by the Iranians and the Islamic Republic will not ask permission for its measures.

Following Rouhani’s speech, the terrorist Qods force News, known as Tasnim, reported that Iran has tested its 2000 km-range ballistic missile. The missile, called Khorramshahr, is capable of aiming various targets in Israel with high precision. The Iran regime had earlier tested two missiles of this type named “Sejjil” and “Ghadr 7”.

The Mullahs have always claimed that the development of missile activities is within the framework of defense policies of the country. The French President, Emmanuel Macron in his speech at the UN General Assembly stated that France calls for systematizing Iran’s missile and nuclear activities when the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ends in 2025.

In his speech, Rouhani stipulated that the regional policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran will not change. He addressed the western countries, especially the U.S. as well as the rivals of Iran in the region stating, “We will invariably defend the people of Yemen, Syria, and Palestine. We will always strengthen our military and defense capabilities to the extent necessary.”

Rouhani utters such remarks while the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu stated In his speech at the UN General Assembly that Israel will not let the Islamic Republic to be permanently stationed in Syria. Earlier, the U.S. President, Donald Trump had slammed Iran’s policy in the region stating that this country donates money to Hamas and Hezbollah for attacking other countries.

Iran regime says that the missiles are legitimate under the terms of the deal as they are not designed to carry a nuclear warhead. But Washington says they breach the spirit of the agreement as they have the potential to carry a nuclear warhead and has imposed new sanctions over Tehran’s continuing launches and tests.

But Trump, who this week described the deal as an “embarrassment”, is due to report to the US Congress on October 15 on whether or not he believes that Iran is in compliance. If, as now appears increasingly likely, he decides that it is not, it could open the way for renewed US sanctions and perhaps the collapse of the agreement.

Trump said on Wednesday he had made his decision but was not yet ready to reveal it. Washington has also taken aim at what it says is Tehran’s failure to meet expectations that it would play a more stabilizing role in the Middle East.

“Regrettably, since the agreement was confirmed we have seen anything but a more peaceful, stable region and this is a real issue,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters at the United Nations.