Iran Regime’s Panic Over the CAATSA Law and New Sanctions


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The consequences of the terrorist listings of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the  Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) law and the new sanctions have led to the panic of the Iranian regime.

The state-run Basirat site wrote on November 4: “A group of domestic and foreign media, after the announcement of the CAATSA, tried to show that the sanctions are limited to the sanctions against the IRGC or sanctions against the missile program, whereas the sanctions not only involve the IRGC but also all mechanisms related to our military institutions are involved with two intermediaries.”

“Under these sanctions, all companies and individuals that are linked to the missile defense capabilities of the system (regime) are sanctioned; it does not matter whether the missile is made by the IRGC or the military, an entity that builds missiles in Iran, is subject to these sanctions and viewed by Americans as an institution that sponsors terrorism.”

“The law stipulates that a person or company who, with “any activity”, engages in government activities in relation to its ballistic missile program or any other program of the system for the development and deployment or maintenance of weapons of mass, including any attempt to produce, own, possess, develop, transport, transfer or use of such capabilities will be included in the list of sanctions.”

“The sanctions are not limited to the contributors to the missile program, but also according to paragraph 5 of the sanctions identification section, all individuals and companies that provide any kind of service or sponsor the Iranian missile system are listed on the sanctions list.”

“After placing them on the sanctions list, the US government will put pressure on these institutions by seizing and blocking their assets, as well as visa waivers and interruptions of global networking with these individuals and companies.”

According to the CAATSA law, more than 5,000 private business enterprises and around 160,000 people who cooperate with IRGC’s Khatam headquarters would be subsequently included in the U.S. anti-terrorism sanctions. The activities of this headquarters include oil, gas and petrochemicals, construction and industry, as well as eliminating deprivation.”

This state-un media then under the title of how the new sanctions encompass the entire Iranian economy, examines the effects and consequences of CAATSA law enforcement, and writes: The expansion of the CAATSA sanctions is carried out through bank transactions. For example, if the Central Bank or the National Bank provides service to a company affiliated to IRGC, and the US Department of State identifies this cooperation, it will be placed on the sanctions list by the Treasury. The executive arm of such a sanction and the eye of the Treasury observer on our economic are the same as the FATF mechanism reports.”

Contrary to statements by banking system officials that the FATF obligations would not be implemented, according to recent statements by Khosrow Farahi, CEO of Post Bank, the guidelines of the special money laundering Financial Action Task Force (FATF) are being implemented in Iranian banks.

He also pointed out: “Given that the central bank has adopted and approved these laws, there is naturally no specific argument in this regard, and the banks are continually adapting to international banking standards, and in order to upgrade their activities.”

“With these interpretations, it can be said that in a short time a significant part of the Iranian economy is being subjected to pressure and sanctions on the charge of communicating with the Revolutionary Guards, and that Iran’s economy is in a crisis that the solution would most likely require the 2nd and 3rd JCPOA. These sanctions can even seriously affect the relations of foreign banks with Iran and, in the short term, bring them back to zero….”

“If the government and foreign affairs ministry act decisively and use smart plans to confront the United States, they would impede further American actions. But if they resort to act of appeasement, a cycle of backbreaking JCPOAs would erode the system’s (regime’s) capabilities and power for years,” he added.

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