Iran Regime’s Lies Citing Tunisian President and Algerian Prime Minister, Ridicules of Instability and Growing Isolation


NCRI – Tunisian Presidential Spokesman Reza Buqazi denied the remarks attributed by Iran regime to Tunisian President al-Baji Qaed al-Sabasi in his meeting with Tehran’s Minister of Culture and Guidance.

Iran’s state-run media quoted al-Sabasi saying, “Iran is a supporter of the Islamic World against the Zionist regime,” adding he hoped all Arab and Islamic countries would stand shoulder to shoulder with Iran in this face-off.

The Tunisian Presidential Spokesman said the President, during his March 31st meeting with Iran’s Minister of Culture and Guidance, discussed the need for Iran’s positive cooperation, the necessity for Iran to improve its behavior in the region, and practice measures of dialogue and cooperation to peacefully resolve the wars in Syria and Yemen in order to establish stability in the region. (Tunisian state news agency – April 1, 2017)

Due to their warmongering and exporting of terrorism and fundamentalism to neighboring and regional countries, including Muslim states across the globe, the mullahs’ regime is building a negative reputation and continues to be isolated within the international community.

It is a known method of the Iranian regime to attribute false comments to political officials of other countries in an attempt to save face. This has also become an embarrassing characteristic of the mullahs, reflecting badly on Iran.

Meanwhile Algeria has also denied Iranian media reports alleging that the two countries agreed to confront extremist ideologies in the region during last week’s meeting between Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal and Iranian Minister of Culture Reza Salehi Amiri.

Algerian foreign ministry spokesperson Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al-Sharif said that some Iranian media reports regarding the topics discussed between the two men are inaccurate, the Algerian official news agency reported on Sunday.

He added: “The meeting between Sellal and Amiri was based on the importance of the Algerian and Iranian roles to improve cultural aspects in order to strengthen the relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.”

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