Iran Regime’s IRGC Commander: Some Inside the Country Are Collaborating With the Enemy


NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), Mohammad Ali Ja’fari, said during a factional feud on Sunday, 13 August 2017: Some “accompany the enemy” to “undermine” the armed forces.

Meanwhile, his deputy, also attacking the regime’s president Hassan Rouhani’s band, called them the “echo of foreign voice.”

According to the state-run Tasnim news agency affiliated to terrorist Quds force, Mohammad Ali Ja’fari said: “After the Vienna nuclear agreement, the enemies are trying to undermine the Islamic Republic’s armed forces via defense and missiles sanctions.”

“Unfortunately, some people inside, in part, are deceived by the enemies’ promises, and they not only do not pay close attention to the plot and the plans of the enemies to weaken our defense capabilities, but also accompany them,” Ja’fari added.

Meanwhile, Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the IRGC, also said on Saturday, 12 August 2017, in a television program: “Some political currents deliberately or unknowingly echo the alien voice” and “weaken the Revolutionary Guards.”

These two IRGC commanders did not provide and details or evidence for their statements.

Earlier, Ahmad Jannati, head of the Assembly of Experts and Secretary of the Guardian Council, described the criticisms of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as “implementing US policies” on this military institution.

According to the state-run ISNA news agency, on 27 July 2017, Jannati at a meeting of the board members of the Assembly of Experts with the various commissions of this assembly said that the Revolutionary Guards should not be called “Musketeers and attacked, putting the U.S. policy into effect.”

Jannati added: “They want to come to war with the leadership (Ali Khamenei), but because they cannot confront the leadership, they name [attack] the IRGC.”

On 22 June 2017, Rouhani referring to the previous government said in a clash of bands that part of Iran’s economy was given to the “government,” which had “both the gun and the media” and “no one dared to compete with them.”

Earlier, the IRGC had unveiled two of its underground missiles storage facilities, known as “Missile City,” after the nuclear deal.

Hassan Rouhani said on 4 May 2016 in a second presidential election debate that “they showed some pictures of the underground cities to disrupt the JCPOA (nuclear agreement), and wrote slogans on the missile to disrupt the outcome of JCPOA…”

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