Iran Regime Is a Threat to the Whole World


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Iranian Regime, its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), and its shady network of terrorist proxy groups across the Middle East pose a grave danger, not only to the region but to the world.

This is not an opinion but a fact. A fact that should be clear to anyone keeping a close eye on the Gulf region.

The ruling mullahs have always been malicious and cruel towards their own people, their neighbouring countries, and the West.

This can be seen most recently in their attempted ballistic missile attempt on Riyadh, which was thankfully eliminated by Saudi defence systems before it could do any damage.

The missile, fired by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, was unmistakably the work of Iran because the Houthis would not have risked losing the mullahs’ support by acting independently.

Also, the Houthis do not have the capability to develop, build, or launch these missiles on their own- they would need access to an advanced logistical network, like Iran’s.

The Iranian Regime is actively developing a ballistic missile programme- which it has used at numerous point so far in 2017- with only one goal: terrorism.

It has been consistently expanding the area that it can terrorise by shipping the weapons out to its proxy groups who have no problem implementing Iran’s instructions (like when the Houthis fired upon aid workers) or building underground factories in foreign nations.

With meticulous planning, Iran has exported the weapons systems and provided the training necessary to set a target and launch a missile in order to destabilise the region.

Saudi Foreign Minister, Adel Al Jubeir, called the latest missile attempt an “act of war” which would not go unpunished.

The Middle East cannot live under the constant threat of attacks by the Iranian Regime or its proxies or interference in the affairs of other nations states and Iran should be stopped in its tracks, with allies like Qatar advised to break ties.

Gulf News read: “What is needed now is a unified approach by the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council in countering the threat posed by Iran. The events of these recent days should make the leadership in Doha think twice about the path it has chosen.”

The rest of the world should take note: Iran must face the consequences of its actions, whether it is the training and arming of terrorists or the persecution of its own people.

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